Keep It Simple Stupid

When you hear someone talking fancy, it's simple, run for the hills.

Here’s why.

If something isn’t working, it’s probably because of something basic.

Find the root cause and stick to the basics.

Don’t be fooled by people who make things more complicated.

We all have them on our teams.

The ones that want to prove their intelligence by making things sound complex.

Stay away from these people! Especially the consultants and coaches that talk about “complexity”.

If you're having trouble solving problems, it's because you're making it more than it needs to be.

Your business barriers or challenges may seem overwhelming, but they really aren't.

That's why the best problem solvers use the fundamentals to come up with solutions.

I’m not saying that things in your business are not complex.

However, the best way to get results is to keep things simple.

Make it as simple as you can so that it’s easy for people to understand and execute.

The more complex your business, the higher the chances of something going wrong.

There are four basic questions to ask yourself:

  • Do we have the right strategy?
  • Do we have the right systems?
  • Do we have the right people?
  • Do we have the right communication?

Most of your challenges will be answered by asking the above.

Or you may have to ask a few follow-up questions to dig deeper a little deeper.

Example: Business ABC wanted fancy incentive programs to increase sales results.

After asking simple questions, we determined that not everyone on the team believed in the product.

The complex solution would’ve taken months to implement only to realize that it was a band-aid to the real issue.

The real and simple solution was educating the team on the products and increasing internal buy-in.

When you train your teams to keep things simple, you will find things magically get DONE.






Have a great day!

Purdeep Sangha – Founder, Sangha International

P.S. Don’t forget to check out our Perpetual Profits podcast for more free business tips.

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