Three Proven Ways To Get More Sex From Your Wife

Three Proven Ways To Get More Sex From Your Wife

Let’s cut straight to the point. If you’re reading this it’s because you want more sex. Perhaps you’re having sex on infrequent basis that isn’t up to your needs or you’re not having sex at all. I’ve met couples who haven’t had sex in months or even years. Unless you have a physical disorder or emotional trauma, there’s no excuse for not having sex and not being fulfilled.

Why Sex Is Important

A lot of people talk about guys just wanting to have sex to get off. It’s true to an extent that guys love to have sex because it feels good but there is a lot more to it. It’s a way for you to connect with your wife. It’s a way for you to feel her feminine energy when you need it the most. Being a high-performing man can get boring because you are so task driven. You need that variety and release that your wife’s feminine energy brings. It’s not selfish to have sex. It’s actually healthy for your relationship to have sex and lots of it.

Here are three ways to get your wife to be more open to sex:

1. Ask For Sex

If you need something from your wife, ask for it. This includes sex as well. It doesn’t make you a bad husband to want to be sexual with your wife. She’s your wife for pity sakes. She’s the one you committed your life to. She’s the person you are willing to do anything for. So it’s okay for you to ask her for something you need.

Be sure to ask and not demand. Don’t flip your lid if she refuses or isn’t responsive the first time around. Your job is to convince her that you love her to the point that you need her energy. Women sometimes don’t understand that sex is more than just cumming for men. Be open with her and tell her that it’s about the closeness and intimacy as well. It doesn’t make you weaker as a man, it makes you stronger and she’ll respect you for it. If she’s the right woman for you that is.

2. Set Up The Right Environment

I’m sure you’ve heard that women are not like men. It’s takes them longer to get into the mood than men. This is true and false. They just need to be in the right mood. I’ve experienced moments where my wife has jumped me without notice because she was in the right mood.

The secret is that your wife’s environment is the catalyst to more sex. If she’s stuck with whiny kids all day, chances are that she won’t be in the mood. If she’s relaxed, feeling good about herself and aroused, you’ve got good chances. You can create this environment for her by removing her stressors and giving her some time to relax and enjoy. For example – send your kids away for the weekend and set up a date night. During the day you can go to the spa so she can get a massage and then have a nice dinner in the evening. Take her to a hotel that she really loves. Make her feel special and create that magic for her. If she’s still not in the mood, RUN. Just kidding!

If you find that creating the right environment isn’t helping, there could be deeper challenges. She may be harboring resentment towards you, insecurities about herself or just be really stressed about life. Give her some space and work through it with her.

3. Help Your Wife Get In Tune With Herself

The biggest misconception is that it’s natural for a woman to feel sexy, be sensual and know what to do. Heck no – it’s not in today’s society! Only a few women I’ve been with over my lifetime know how to be intimate in ways that satisfied me. In some occurrences, I had to teach them. Because I am an avid learned, I studied sex when I was in my teens. I learned things that I’m surprised grown women don’t even know. For the sake of privacy and respecting these women, I won’t go into details but some of them didn’t even know how powerful and pleasurable their own clitoris was.

Women are not taught to be sexual. In fact, many women today are taught to be more like men or that sex is shameful. That’s one of the biggest challenges in relationships now. Men are more like women, and women are more like men. There’s total confusion. Take this as a learning experience for both of you. You may even have to guide and support her through this journey. It can be scary or embarrassing for a woman to open up herself because the act of sex is opening herself to you in a mental, emotional, physical and spiritual way. She’s vulnerable and she needs to feel safe and protected. It’s your job to help her feel this way.


Getting sex can be a challenge. It’s not easy but once you’re in the groove, share what you both want and provide that to each other, you get into a rhythm. Hopefully you’ll be humping like bunnies!

I wish you the best!

Purdeep Sangha
The Strategist For Businessmen

P.S. If you want more proven tips on spicing up your relationship, get your copy of my NEW book The Complete Man by clicking here or going to

The Complete Man Book



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