Higher Profits And Growth With Less Headaches

What is the best way to make more profits in your business and have less headaches?

Well, there are four ways:

  1. Get more clients or customers (increase your client base)
  2. Get your clients to buy more (increase purchase frequency)
  3. Increase your sales value (increase the price of your products/services)
  4. Decrease your costs (cut down on expenses)

All of the above sound great and are smart things to put in practice. But they do take time and require a lot of discipline.

Most businesses owners are faced with trying to keep their operations going and don’t have the bandwidth to dedicate the resources to each of these strategies.

And they fall into the TRAP of using the default strategy which requires the most effort.

It’s continuously getting NEW clients, otherwise known as the “juicer”.

I call it the “JUICER” because you’re continuously shoving more and more oranges through the machine (your business) but are only getting drops on the other end in your cup!

I know you know how frustrating this is because it seems like your cup will NEVER be fill up.

But there is a way to tackle ALL four ways at the same time!

It’s a system I learned from studying and working with the best businesses around the world.

They all have this ONE thing in common that make them stand above the rest.

As a result, they get more juice coming through their machine which fills their cup up a lot faster.

It’s NOT a secret weapon (aka leading product/service).

It’s NOT incredibly smart employees that outwit their competition.

It’s NOT a stellar marketing strategy that awes their competitors.

It’s a foundational system that turns their average clients into ones that:

  • Buy MORE frequently (up to 200% more per year)
  • Are willing to PAY a premium (up to 50% more)
  • Are EAGER to buy their products/services even before they are available (instant demand)
  • RAVE about them to everyone that will listen (free PR and marketing)
  • REFER new clients like crazy (up to 4x more likely to refer)
  • And most importantly, remain LOYAL long-term (up to 5x more loyal)

These clients or customers are called RAVING SUPER FANS!

And if you want your business to grow and make greater profits, your best bet is to do it by having Super Fans.

Because when you have Super Fans, you don’t need everyone to buy your products/services.

You can have a core group of loyal Super Fans that continuously buy more and pay more.


Serve less clients and make more money. Sounds too good to be true but it is what the top 1% of businesses focus on.

Not only do you make more money, but you also have happier clients with less complaints and headaches.

What would your business be like if you had raving Super Fans?

Would love to hear your feedback.

Have a great day!

Purdeep Sangha

Founder – Sangha International


P.S. If you’re looking for more info on creating Super Fans for your business, please feel free to check out my new book “Super Fans” at www.superfansbook.com.



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