The Three Things You Must Do To Ensure Your Business Success In 2021

The Three Things You Must Do To Ensure Your Business Success In 2021

Are you hoping that 2021 will bring your business out of the 2020 COVID slump? People, families, businesses, the economy and international relations have all been strained due to this global pandemic. It seems as though we’ve endured the worst and things may be turning around for the better. But don’t be fooled. It’s not clear sailing going forward and we have yet to experience the ripple effect. What is going to happen as a result of the surge in unemployment and the large number of small businesses that have closed down or are the verge of closing down? We may have only experienced the quake, the tsunami is still to come.

If you are serious about having a better business year in 2021, you must be intentional about it. You must take your future into your own hands. Most men are sitting on the sidelines waiting to see what happens. Don’t be one of those men as they will miss out on the biggest opportunity of the decade. As the masses are waiting for the economy to recover, you can already make moves to get further ahead when the economy improves. The best time to ensure the success of your business is NOW. There are three things in particular you must do to make this happen:

1. Pick The Right People For Your Business

When times get tough, it’s not technology or regulations that will help you get ahead. It’s the right people, specifically optimistic people. Do you have the right people on your team? Do your people see the opportunities that are or will be available? Do they have the right skills for the future changes? Are they optimists or pessimists? Optimism is one of the common traits among the most successful and productive people. That doesn’t mean that you have rose colored glasses on and ignore all signs of peril. It means that you look for opportunities rather than the downsides.

From my personal business experience, I’ve realized that business is simply a composition of three elements: People, Strategy and Systems. Up until five years ago, I focused more on strategy and systems thinking that they would accelerate my business growth. I was mistaken. My business grew significantly greater when I put more focus on the people on my team. Having the right people ensured that I had a winning strategy and systems. Now I only hire and retain the best.

2. Align With The Right Business Partners

You can be successful on your own but what’s the fun in that. It’s a lot more enjoyable when you have others to share your success with. It’s also much easier. 2021 is a year for collaboration. The more you collaborate with other organizations in or even outside of your industry, the better your chances of success. Collaborations creates a strategic advantage as you can create greater value for your clients. It’s value that your clients will ultimately pay for in 2021. The business that creates the most value ultimately wins.

Let me give you an example. In spring of 2021, our organization has decided to partner with a health and wellness organization that works specifically with high-performance athletes (like NHL players) and executives on sleep, energy and recovery. We teach entrepreneurs and executives how to think better, master their feelings, make better decisions and perform better in all aspects of their life such as business, family and personal success. However, we never went into depth on diet, exercise, sleep and recovery. We just never had the expertise or the focus on this.

To provide the ultimate level of value to our clients, we decided to bring these additional aspects into our coaching by partnering with this organization. It’s a win-win situation. They get more exposure for the work they do and our clients get more value. It’s giving us a massive edge over other business coaching firms.

3. Focus On You

As the business leader, your business only goes as fast as you can lead it. The faster you adapt, the greater your chances of succeeding in 2021. That means that you must invest in yourself. 2020 was the best year for our business and we expect 2021 to be even better. That’s because more and more CEO’s, executives and entrepreneurs are realizing that they are their biggest business asset.

The more they invest in themselves, the faster their business grows. It’s easy to invest $50,000 into a marketing strategy to get x results but those results aren’t guaranteed and they are one time results. Spending $50,000 on your development as a business leader gets a multiple return and continues to compound over time. The businessmen who decide to penny pinch and contract will slow their growth. The ones who invest in themselves will be out of the gate faster and will have an unfair advantage over their competition.


2021 can be your best year ever if you are intentional about. Focus on these three elements and you will get much further ahead than those men who don’t. Start NOW!

All the best!

Purdeep Sangha
The Strategist For Businessmen

P.S. If you would like more practical steps to improve your business and personal performance, get your FREE copy of my NEW book The Complete Man. I just ask that you cover the basic shipping and handling. Click here.

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